We offer church school classes for all ages on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. from September through early June. We believe that Christian Education is a lifelong process and that we are always learning more about how to walk as Christians.
+ preschool through first grade,
+ grades two through five, and
+ youth from sixth grade and older. The children’s church school classes present a pageant during worship in mid-December, and we celebrate Children’s Day in early June, with presentations by each class about something they have learned during the year.
We have an adult class for post-high school through octogenarians. That class has a curriculum which is primarily Bible based, that is used as a discussion starter.
Our youth group meets twice a month during worship to work on a service project, such as cards for shut-ins, and to play games, prepare the coffee hour refreshments, and discuss questions of interest.
We provide child care for infants through kindergarten children, from 9:30 a.m. through noon each Sunday. Our caregivers have received training and supervision by our Christian Education Board.
Twice a month during worship, children in Grades 1 to 5 leave worship after the morning prayer to participate in a craft activity or watch a movie, which may be faith-themed, or seasonally themed. This allows children to be in worship for the entire service on a regular basis, so that they learn our faith traditions, hear the music, and worship with their family or church friends.
At least once a month youth and children take turns assisting the minister in parts of the worship service, such as scripture reading, prayer concerns, the offering, and charge/benediction, each according to their abilities and interests.